Tehan Trinity Pvt. Ltd 

Authorized Distributor of Supreme PVC pipes and fittings, Pharmaceutical manufacturer and marketing services. Agriculture based startup business and Travel and Tourism management services. Located in Satsangh Vihar road and Seujpur road junction, Dibrugarh, Assam, India

About Us

Authorized Distributor of Supreme PVC pipes and fittings, Pharmaceutical manufacturer and marketing services. Agriculture based startup business and Travel and Tourism management services. Located in Satsangh Vihar road and Seujpur road junction of Dibrugarh, Assam, India.

Tie up with Let's do Assam, a hardware retailer and travel and tourism management organization.

Tie up with hospital and health care setup Trinity X-ray and Laboratory located at Paltanbazar, Dibrugarh.

Manufacturer cum marketing of Trab IT (Rabeprazole + Itopride) / Endorab IT cap, TPhep tab/ TPliver tab (ursodeoxycolic acid).

Manufacturer cum marketing of Tcomplex (multivitamin and multiminerals antioxidants) cap.

Few other pharmaceutical brands are in the pipeline.


Trinity Nirmal School

Opening Shortly at Komar Gaon road,
Opposite Dibrugarh University Jyoti Batsora


Satsangh Vihar road & Seujpur road junction. Dibrugarh, AS

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